Jeff Onyx offers Outreach Events to Churches. Each event is designed with one of three purposes. Encourage the average person, Edify the church body, or Proclaim the Gospel to unbelievers.
The “Nobody’s Perfect” event is designed to encourage everyone to not give up when situations seem to be going wrong. Good isn’t looking for perfect people. He is looking for people who are available.
The “Migrant Worker” event is designed to help the members of the church understand that everyone has a purpose. No matter what God has called you to do, big or small, small jobs matter as much as the big.
The “Romans Road” event is designed to walk the unbeliever through the message salvation. There is an altar call or an opportunity to accept the Lord.
These event are on average 60 minutes long. They include magic and Stand-up comedy with scripture placed within stories to move the message forward.